Reeflowers Bioclean III 85ml


ReeFlowers BioClean III is for treating saltwater and freshwater aquariums with higher phosphate and lower nitrate levels. It helps to clean aquarium water using natural biological methods, consuming organic waste, and reducing nuisance algae growth. Available in 85ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1L bottles.

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ReeFlowers BioClean products help clean aquarium water using natural biological methods, allowing benign bacteria to consume and remove the nitrate (NO3) and phosphate (PO4) that pollute aquariums. Depending on your aquarium conditions, choose the BioClean that is best suited for your tanks parameters.

BioClean III is very effective at reducing the nitrate and phosphate levels in both saltwater and freshwater aquariums where nitrate levels are less than 2 ppm and phosphate levels are greater than 0.04 ppm.

For proper biological filtration, ReeFlowers BioClean products should be used as a program as your water quality improves. After testing the aquarium water on a weekly basis, the product to be used should be determined using the following table, dosing is per 100 litres of water.


NO3 > 2 ppm

NO3 > 2 ppm  NO3 < 2 ppm

PO4 > 0.04 ppm

PO4 < 0.04 ppm

PO4 > 0.04 ppm

1 tsp (5 mL)/day BioClean I 1 tsp (5 mL)/day BioClean II

1 tsp (5 mL)/day BioClean III


When BioClean products are used, nitrate and phosphate levels of water should be monitored by testing the water once a week.

  • If the levels of nitrate are over 2 ppm and phosphate are over 0.04 ppm, then BioClean I should be used.
  • If the levels of nitrate are over 10 ppm and phosphate are over 0.20 ppm, then the daily dosage may be increased to 2 tsp (10 mL). Use BioClean I.
  • If nitrate and phosphate are above 2 ppm or below 0.04 ppm respectively, then BioClean II should be used with these readings.
  • If the levels of nitrate are under 2 ppm and phosphate are over 0.04 ppm, then BioClean III should be used.

Depending on nitrate and phosphate levels, either BioClean I, BioClean II or BioClean III should be used per the table above.

UV clarifiers, Ozone, and other equipment or treatments that affect the beneficial bacteria population are not recommended to use in tanks where ReeFlowers BioClean products are used.

If the recommended dosage is exceeded or if the right biological conditions form, then the bacteria population may suddenly bloom, creating cloudy water.

This will not harm your living organisms, but if this situation occurs, discontinue dosing BioClean until the cloudiness disappears.

The cloudiness should disappear on its own within 48 hours on average.

Do not turn off your filters during a bloom, as the oxygen needs are higher during the bloom and the circulation provided by the filters is needed.

You may continue to you the product once the water returns to normal.

Additional information

Weight 0.104 kg


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