Sterbai Cory S/M
Experts in Tropical Fish and Reptiles, Foods and Supplies, Tanks and Aquariums. |
Sterbai Cory’s are a peaceful, busy, schooling catfish suitable for all small and medium sized fish community aquariums. They come from shallow areas in the Amazon and will spend time in all levels of the water. Growing up to 8cm in length, these need to be kept in an aquarium at least 60cm long and will tolerate a pH level of anywhere between 6.0 and 8.0. A tank with fine gravel or sand is recommended to help protect the fish’s barbels, along with some plants, rocks, and wood to hide in when desired. Keep with other community fish and feed a mix of slow sinking granules, catfish pellets, and frozen tropical foods. Always active during the day, very good at rooting around keeping the tank bottom clean.
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