Synodontis Multipunctatus
Experts in Tropical Fish and Reptiles, Foods and Supplies, Tanks and Aquariums. |
Synodontis Multipunctatus, or the Cuckoo Catfish as they are also known as, are beautiful and busy catfish from Lake Tanganyika. These fish are great for hard water aquaria, especially with Tanganyikan or Malawi cichlids and Rainbowfish. They are peaceful creatures, which seem to be quite happy kept singly and are unlikely to both any other tankmates. Growing to only 12cm, these should be kept in an aquarium at least 120cm long and will tolerate a pH level of anywhere between 7.5 and 9.0. Decorate the aquarium with sand or fine gravel and a few rocks, stones, and pieces of wood, creating a few hiding places. Add some hardy plants too, nothing too delicate as they could get accidentally damaged. Can be kept with most medium sized community fish and most cichlids. Synodontis Multipunctatus will eat a wide variety of sinking foods, including catfish pellets, frozen diets, and some prepared vegetables.
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