Synodontis Battensoda 7cm

Synodontis Batensoda is a large catfish that spends most of its time swimming upside down! Therefore known as the Giant Upside Down Catfish, it is a calm and peaceful fish, but it does need to be in a big tank. Growing to 50cm long, these should be kept in an aquarium at least 150cm long (bigger in the longer term) and will tolerate a pH level of anywhere between 6.5 and 7.8. Decorate the aquarium with sand or fine gravel and a few rocks, stones, and pieces of wood, creating a few hiding places. Given their tendency to swim upside down, provide some overhanging branches too, to help them exhibit their natural behaviour. Some hardy mother plants can be added too, but nothing too delicate as they could get accidentally damaged. Can be kept with many medium sized community fish and most cichlids. Synodontis Batensoda will eat a wide variety of sinking foods, including catfish pellets, frozen diets, and some prepared vegetables.


Synodontis Battensoda 7cm


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