Barcoded Yangtse Rock M 2.2kg – 2.8kg


From the famous river itself, these Yangtse Rocks have been naturally polished and tumbled by the strong current, creating holes and grooves on the surface.

Featuring various colours from yellow to beige and grey, these rocks are pH neutral will look the part in any fast flowing aquarium, aquascape or turtle tank.



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  • Yellow/beige/grey colour.
  • Ideal for the creation of natural underwater landscapes and fast flowing biotopes.
  • Easy to use.
  • Neutral, should not affect the water parameters.
  • Easy to break up and plants such as Java fern, Anubias and mosses will take hold and grow.
  • Suitable for aquascaping, tropical aquariums, paludariums, terrariums and vivariums.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg