The Ecco Pro’s feature the following:
- A multi-function handle for self-priming, carrying, and opening and closing of the filter.
- Adjustable shut off taps, which not only open and close but also swivel around to make installation easier.
- Exceptionally quiet. This is helped by having low wattage motors which include high-performance ceramic shafts and bearings to hold the impeller.
- The best possible water flow through, because it has a combination of excellent filter media and well-designed baskets.
- Ecco-Pro filters now come with a prefilter for low maintenance and long intervals between cleaning.
- A long-life elastic silicon sealing ring is fitted on the pump head for easy priming, and safe closing after cleaning.
All of which makes these filters simple to set up and easy to use. The filters come complete and ready to use with a prefilter pad, different mechanical/biological media, an activated carbon pad, and a fine filter pad.
The Eheim Ecco Pro 130 external filter is recommended for aquariums from 60-130 litres.
Comes supplied complete and ready-to-use with:
- 1x prefilter pad (blue),
- 1x ready filled filter basket of Eheim SUBSTRATpro biological media,
- 1x activated carbon pad (black),
- 1x fine filter pad (white),
- Outlet elbow,
- Inlet pipe with strainer,
- 3m of Eheim hose,
- 2x shut-off taps,
- Installation accessories.
- Suitable for aquariums: 60-130l.
- Pump output approx. 500l/h.
- Delivery head approx. 1.4m max.
- Running power: 5w.
- Voltage: 230v / 50Hz.
- Canister volume: 3.0 litres.
- Filter volume: 1.2 + 0.3 litres (prefilter).
- Hose diameters suction side: 12/16mm, pressure side 12/16mm.
- Dimensions: 205mm diameter x 298mm high.
- Suitable for use in freshwater and marine aquariums.
- Manufacturer’s guarantee: 3 years.